My Mission

I aim to provide my clients with quality legal services in the areas of Criminal, Personal Injury, Family Law, and Contract Matters. Those seeking representation for cases on physical or psychological injury due to the negligence of an individual, group, or company, may come to me for help. People seeking a divorce, custody modification, child support and paternity cases. I can also assist you in creating, negotiating and defending legally enforcable contracts and agreements that you have entered into.

My Available Legal Services

The Law Is on Your Side

Laws are created to bring justice to all citizens. With RJDS LLC/Law Firm of Roderick E. Smith, I provide you with relevant and helpful information and legal counsel regarding in any listed area of practice potential legal issues. This includes dealing with traffic tickets to serious felonies, personal injury cases, family law matters and contract matters legal issues in Missouri. Request a quote by filling out the form below. You may conveniently pay for my services on this webpage to get started right away. I assure you that you get nothing short of my best efforts and undivided attention. Let Me Help You Solve Your Legal Problems.


RJDS LLC/ The Law Firm of Roderick E. Smith also provides a variety of in-person trainings from 1 hour lunch & learns to ½ day, full day or several day trainings or workshops. We also offer an extensive e-learning library for your employees to take online courses: Course examples include the coursed listed below. For a full list of available training classes and workshops, contact RJDS LLC.
